We are committed to protecting property rights, pursuing landowner protections and wildlife management tools, promoting and preserving hunting heritage, and actively influencing outcomes in state and federal legislative and regulatory processes.
In the 87th Texas Legislative Session, TWA proudly played a critical role in the reauthorization of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department through the Sunset Commission and Legislature, worked with partners to advance hard-fought reform to the eminent domain process affecting private landowners, and served as watchdog on dozens of water, wildlife, hunting, and property tax bills. TWA will continue to fight for legislation that protects the landowners and natural resources of Texas.
The TWA Political Action Committee (TWAPAC) provides financial support to Texas candidates who support the mission of Texas Wildlife Association (TWA). Our efforts seek to educate our state’s decision makers about what matters to you – wildlife, property rights, water, eminent domain, hunting heritage and more. TWA truly is doing right by Texas. Join our efforts and support TWAPAC.
6644 FM 1102 : New Braunfels, TX 78132
Phone: (210) 826-2904
Toll Free: (800) 839-9453
Fax: (210) 826-4933
© 2024 Texas Wildlife Association