
This program is a joint effort between TWA and the Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation.

Welcome to the most intense course on quail ecology and management offered anywhere! This series of hands-on training sessions is designed to expose participants to the best quail habitat in the state of Texas and make them “masters” of the art and science of quail management. QuailMasters will enhance your decision-making skills relative to the 3 phases of quail management: habitat management, population management, and people management.

QuailMasters is a prestigious program which demands 110% from participants. It involves 4 sessions taking place at different locations across the state, and attendance at 3 of the 4 is required for graduation. Homework assignments between sessions will help you hone your knowledge and skills.

Are you ready to become a QuailMaster?

Who Can Benefit from QuailMasters?

  • Landowners and managers
  • Hunters
  • Consultants
  • County Agents
  • Wildlife Biologists
  • Quail enthusiasts
  • College Students*

*3 hours of graduate college credit are available for participation. NOTE: Graduate tuition is separate from QuailMasters tuition.

Workshop locations and dates:

Registration for QuailMasters 2024 has passed. QuailMasters wil return in 2026.

Please contact Jared Schlottman or Dana Wright with any questions (jschlottman@texas-willdife.org or dwright@quailresearch.org).


Jared Schlottman | Conservation Education Specialist 

jschlottman@texas-wildlife.org | (512) 350-5563